Barbarea verna
This Biofumigant Mustard can be planted at the same time as you plant your other Brassicas such as Cabbage, Cauliflower, Kale, Brussels Sprouts, Rocket, and other vegetables in that family. The Biofumigant Mustard will mature a couple of weeks early and attract Cabbage Moths and Cabbage Butterflies to lay their eggs among its leaves. When the larvae emerge the larvae will eat the leaves which contain a toxin. The toxin in the leaves kills the larvae, preventing them from hatching into moths and butterflies. The toxin is completely safe to eat for humans and animals. Natural fumigants and insecticides save a fortune in time and costs trying to control these pests with other methods; no need for chemicals and your local homespace is kept much safer than it would otherwise have been.
QTY 200 seeds per packet. To plant larger areas select the volume you need from the drop down box.
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Barbarea verna
This Biofumigant Mustard can be planted at the same time as you plant your other Brassicas such as Cabbage, Cauliflower, Kale, Brussels Sprouts, Rocket, and other vegetables in that family. The Biofumigant Mustard will mature a couple of weeks early and attract Cabbage Moths and Cabbage Butterflies to lay their eggs among its leaves. When the larvae emerge the larvae will eat the leaves which contain a toxin. The toxin in the leaves kills the larvae, preventing them from hatching into moths and butterflies. The toxin is completely safe to eat for humans and animals. Natural fumigants and insecticides save a fortune in time and costs trying to control these pests with other methods; no need for chemicals and your local home space is kept much safer than it would otherwise have been.
Plant out at the rate of two grammes per square metre of garden area.Prepare the ground to a fine tilth and lightly rake the surface. Cast the seeds evenly across the surface and then lightly rake them in. Water lightly and then keep the soil moist but not wet until the new plants are reasonably established. You can thin at any time and add the leaves to your mixed salads or stir fries etc..
QTY 200 seeds per packet. For larger areas select the volume you need from the drop down box.