Growth Type...Indeterminate (VINE)
Leaf Type...Potato Leaf
Fruit Type...Standard
Fruit Colour...Red
Fruit Size...Very Large, 100-125 mm
Maturity Time...Late Season, 90-100 days
USAGE: Fresh, Salads, Slicing,Grilling, and Cooking.
COMMENTS... This is a large plant that produces
very large attractive fruit. It is a very productive vine
given the large size of the fruit The fruit have few
seeds and an excellent taste that is admired by all
who get to taste them. The seeds have been very
difficult to find for many years.
ORIGIN From Italy
Solanul lycopersicum
GrowthType...Indeterminate (VINE)
Leaf Type...Potato Leaf
Fruit Type...Standard
Fruit Colour...Red
Fruit Size...Very Large, 100-125 mm
Maturity Time...Late Season, 90-100 days
USAGE: Fresh, Salads, Slicing,Grilling, and Cooking.
COMMENTS... This is a large plant that produces
very large attractive fruit. It is a very productive vine
given the large size of the fruit The fruit have few
seeds and an excellent taste that is admired by all
who get to taste them. The seeds have been very
difficult to find for many years.
ORIGIN From Italy initially.
This has been a Mennonite Heritage
variety in Virginia (USA) since 1880s.
Plant Spacing....50-75cm Row Spacing..1-2m
PLANTING TIME...Tropical and Subtropical areas...
All year round. Temperate areas....Aug to Dec
Cool areas...Nov to Dec..
Do not over-water tomatoes. They do not need
heavy feeding. Provide strong support for vines.
QTY 40 seeds