Black mustard has a hot flavour finely chopped and added to
salads or lightly cooked in many dishes. Seedlings can also
be used as a babyleaf adding a hot pungency to a salad.
Immature flowering stems can be cooked and eaten
like broccoli. The seeds are commonly used in
Indian cuisine for example in curry where it is known
as 'rai'. Ground seeds mixed with honey
are widely used as cough suppressant.
The site is checked on a regular basis
Seeds are sent within 2 business days of payment receipt,parcels include tracking
Items can be returned within 7 days of receipt provided they are in as received condition
Brassica nigra
Black mustard is a native to Southern Mediterranean
regions, and has been cultivated for thousands of y
ears. The leaves can used raw or cooked. They have
a hot flavour and can be finely chopped and added to
salads or lightly cooked in many dishes. The
seedlings can also be used as a babyleaf from about
1 week old, adding a hot pungency to a salad.
Immature flowering stems can be cooked and eaten
like broccoli. The seeds are commonly used in
Indian cuisine for example in curry where it is known
as 'rai'. Ground seeds of the plant mixed with honey
are widely used in Eastern Europe as cough
suppressant. The seeds are very easy to grow and
can be planted in most areas of Australia at most
times. Hot weather will tend to promote flowering.
Sow shallowly and keep soil moist until established.
QTY 500 seeds per packet