This Australian native plant related to the tomato is
well adapted to most areas of Australia. It grows to
about 60cm and can produce for 8 months in good
conditions. It is a fast-growing shrub that fruits
prolifically after fire or good rains. It can also grow
back after being dormant as root stock for years
after drought years. The vitamin C-rich fruit are
1–3 cm in diameter and yellow in color when fully
ripe. They dry on the bush and look like raisins.
These fruits have a strong, pungent taste of tamarillo
and caramel that makes them popular for use in
sauces and condiments. They can be obtained either
whole or ground, with the ground product easily
added to bread mixes, salads, sauces, cheese
dishes, chutneys, stews or mixed into butter.
The site is checked on a regular basis
Seeds are sent within 2 business days of payment receipt,parcels include tracking
Items can be returned within 7 days of receipt provided they are in as received condition
Solanum centrale
This Australian native plant related to the tomato is
well adapted to most areas of Australia. It grows to
about 60cm and can produce for 8 months in good
conditions. It is a fast-growing shrub that fruits
prolifically after fire or good rains. It can also grow
back after being dormant as root stock for years
after drought years. The vitamin C-rich fruit are
1–3 cm in diameter and yellow in color when fully
ripe. They dry on the bush and look like raisins.
These fruits have a strong, pungent taste of tamarillo
and caramel that makes them popular for use in
sauces and condiments. They can be obtained either
whole or ground, with the ground product easily
added to bread mixes, salads, sauces, cheese
dishes, chutneys, stews or mixed into butter.
The plant will grow in the same conditions as a vine
tomato but tends to spread a little so it will need
staking or caging. Plant the seeds as seedlings or
straight into the garden. Seeds should be sown
0.5cm deep about 50-75cm apart in rows 1m -1.5m
apart. Mulch well and keep moist. Sow Oct-Dec in
cool and Temperate areas, Aug-Apr in Subtropical
areas and most of the year in full Tropics
QTY 10 seeds