Growth Type.........Indeterminate (VINE)
Leaf Type .............Regular Leaf
Fruit Type .............Beefsteak
Fruit Colour ..........Yellow Bicolour
Fruit Size ..............Very large size, 100-169 mm 250-500 g
Maturity Time ........Mid to Late Season,
Uses....................Fresh, Salad, Slicing, Grilling, Cooking.
Lycopersicon esculentum
Growth Type.........Indeterminate (VINE)
Leaf Type .............Regular Leaf
Fruit Type .............Beefsteak
Fruit Colour ..........Yellow Bicolour
Fruit Size ..............Very large size, 100-169 mm 250-500 g
Maturity Time ........Mid to Late Season, 75-85 days
Usage ....................Fresh, Salads, Slicing, Grilling, Cooking.
COMMENTS...This plant is a heavy producer when conditions are warm. It is a very attractive tomato which when picked at the mid mature stage will have yellow outer flesh and red inne flesh it appears extremely attractive on sandwiches and when used as a decoration in a salad. It has a lovely sweet, fruity taste.
ORIGIN This is an heirloom from West Virginia (USA)
PLANTING INSTRUCTIONS Seed Depth.......0.5cm Plant Spacing....50-75cm Row Spacing......1.2-2.0m Planting Time.......Tropical areas...All year round ...Subtropical areas...All year round ...Temperate areas....August to December ...Cool areas.........November to December Do not over-water tomatoes. Tomatoes do not need heavy feeding. Provide strong support for vining varieties.
QTY 40 seeds