Glaskins special is a truly delicious looking rhubarb. The stems are bright red with some little greening in colour over winter but bright red in full summer. It has very fast growing leaves with moderate sweetness making it ideal for jams, tarts, and cooking. Rhubarb is one of the truly perennial vegetables.
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Rheum rhabarbarum
Glaskins special is a truly delicious looking rhubarb. The stems are bright red with some little greening in colour over winter but bright red in full summer. It is a very fast growing leave with moderate sweetness making it ideal for jams, tarts, and cooking. Rhubarb is one of the truly perennial vegetables, best left undisturbed for the first three to four years. It will easily grow for twenty years if it has plenty of nutritiona nd good free drainage. It tolerates shady conditions and cold weather. It does especially well in cool summers. The stems actually do grow better and longer when grown in semi shade. it is adaptable to all climates though does best with regular foliar sprays. Pick the outer leaves as they are required. The stalks keep well in the fridge and also keep well once cooked and placed in an airtight container in the freezer.. Direct sow seed 1cm deep in the desired position, or in seedling trays. For better and faster germination, keep the seed in the refrigerator for two weeks and then pre-soak seed in water for a few hours prior to sowing. When spacing seeds into the ground or pots, place two seeds in the one hole and thin later to only one plant per spacing at 1-1.2 m spacings
A tea made from the leaves is quite effective in deterring many garden pests.
Image by Di Reynolds from Pixabay
Glaskins special is a truly delicious looking rhubarb. The stems are bright red with some little greening in colour over winter but bright red in full summer. It has very fast growing leaves with moderate sweetness making it ideal for jams, tarts, and cooking. Rhubarb is one of the truly perennial vegetables.