Miners Lettuce is one of the loveliest salad mix ingredients you can grow. It is very attractive and can stand alone in the flower garden as a border plant or bed cover. The minute white flowers are very subtle and attractive to birds. It is mild tasting, makes a great addition to the salad mix or as a stand olone salad ingredient.
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Miners Lettuce is one of the loveliest salad mix ingredients you can grow. It is very attractive and can stand alone in the flower garden as a border plant or bed cover. The minute white flowers are very subtle and attractive to birds. It is mild tasting, makes a great addition to the salad mix or as a stand alone salad ingredient. You can eat the stems as a substitute for bean sprouts. It does not tolerate hot conditions and is best sown in autumn and winter. it will grow all autumn and winter and well into spring, reaching up to 35 cm and will completely cover the bed it is grown in. Just sprinkle seeds on the soil surface and water into a weed free garden surface. It is an excellent green manure and is great at smothering grass once it is established. The stem is only a hair bredth in thickness making it easy to rip up (to begin your spring planting) but yet standing strong and looking lovely
QTY 500 seeds
Not for sale to addresses in W.A.
Image by WikimediaImages from Pixabay
Miners Lettuce is one of the loveliest salad mix ingredients you can grow. It is very attractive and can stand alone in the flower garden as a border plant or bed cover. The minute white flowers are very subtle and attractive to birds. It is mild tasting, makes a great addition to the salad mix or as a stand olone salad ingredient.